Sleep Apnea / Snoring

Sleep medication is one of the most exciting things happening in dentistry today. Dentists, many times, are front line in helping their patients achieve better sleep due to common clinical signs. Obstructive sleep apnea can contribute to many serious health complications including congestive heart failure. Undiagnosed and untreated sleep apnea could shorten an individual’s life span by many years. Proper oxygenation of all of the cells in your body while you sleep at night is essential for health. Many times, a dentist can predict obstructive apnea through a clinical examination of the mouth. If you are struggling with snoring, waking up and feeling unrested, teeth chipping and breaking, as well as acid reflux at night, this may be a good conversation to have with your doctor. If we are suspicious of an obstruction, we will recommend a sleep test. After receiving the results from a board certified sleep medicine doctor, we will discuss your options with you. Sometimes, for a severe patient, a CPAP is the best option, but for mild and moderate patients you have additional options. Dental appliances can be used to improve your ability to sleep at night, and for many CPAP intolerant patients, protrusive appliances are an excellent alternative. If you are interested in these options please discuss this with your doctor.

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