
Why Visit Us?

Your First Visit

On your first visit, Dr. Anderson will take time to get to know your concerns about your dental health. He and his staff will provide you with our comprehensive exam.

Office Tour

Our Exam


  • Diagnostic x-rays

    We look at tooth and root positions, decay, tumors, cysts, and bone loss

  • Surface Examination

    We look at all tooth surfaces for decay

  • Restoration Examination

    We review existing restorations (fillings, dental implants, dental crowns, etc.) for structural stability

  • Oral Cancer Screening

    We make sure to look for signs of cancer

  • Gum Disease Evaluation

    We check for periodontal diseases, such as gingivitis and periodontitis

  • Professional Dental Cleaning & Polishing

    Our gentle, registered dental hygienists remove tartar, dental plaque, and stains

  • Fluoride Treatment

    This helps protect your teeth from tooth decay

Preparing For Your First Visit

Each visit can vary in time due the amount of procedures being completed and the extent of the dental health treatment.If you would like, you may visit our Patient Forms Page and fill out the appropriate form(s) ahead of time.

Patient Forms

Really Good Questions

  • Bad breath treatment

    Bad breath is the result of bacteria build up in the mouth. While brushing, flossing and tongue cleaning can take care of most problems, some bad breath requires more extensive treatment. A good thorough cleaning is the best way to take care of any problems. Also, we offer many products and clinical strength rinses that can help treat bad breath at home. However, some bad breath can be the result of more serious problems, such as gum disease. Only a hygiene evaluation can diagnose the correct problem.
  • Chipped teeth

    First, please call us and get in for an exam. An x-ray will be required to make sure that no damage has occurred to the roots of the teeth. Many smaller chips can be fixed with bonding, which adheres a tooth colored material to the chip and restores your smile. More extensive chips may require a crown. Only the dentist can tell what options will work for you.
  • Concerned about cost?

    We offer CareCredit, which is a medical credit card that you can apply for at our office, or on the internet. CareCredit offers many repayment plans that fit your budget. Review the information on the CareCredit website and feel free to call us with any questions you may have. We’re here for you!

    Care Credit

  • Do I have “dry socket”?

    For the first 24-48 hours following surgery, extraction sites are red in color. Over time, the site will turn white. Sometimes patient's believe the white colored clot is something stuck in their extraction site and rinse heavily or pick at the area. This can delay healing and cause pain or layman's terms "dry socket". Our suggestion is to please call us and see us right away if you feel you have something stuck in the area. We will clean the area and add treatments to help prevent "dry socket". Otherwise it is always best to leave the extraction site undisturbed.
  • Headache and jaw pain relief

    You may be suffering from TMJ disorder. TMJ is a common disorder that can cause headaches, jaw pain, clicking or popping, damaged teeth, intermittent tooth pain and lost or broken fillings and crowns. Most of these problems can be prevented by wearing a professionally fabricated night time appliance.
  • I have not been to the dentist in a while - what is the first step?

    Call us and set up a new patient exam! At the exam we take current x-rays, diagnose any problems, and treatment plan your options. A treatment plan will estimate costs, and stage treatment needed to restore oral health and of course, a great smile!
  • Do you snore or struggle with your CPAP?

    There is a strong correlation between teeth grinding and obstructive sleep apnea. People who have a closed airway tend to clinch and grind their teeth at night which tenses the muscles in the throat and helps open the airway. Obstructive sleep apnea can contribute to many problems beyond a poor night of sleep including congestive heart failure. We suggest getting a sleep study prior to any treatment. Our night time appliances will only help an obstruction in the throat. Successful treatment will provide you a more restful night of sleep and many times completely eliminate snoring. We provide Somnomed and Tap Dream appliances. Please consult your doctor about the differences between these appliances, and if you are a good candidate for treatment.
  • Missing teeth

    Missing teeth can be addressed in a variety of ways. Bridges, implants, partials and full dentures can fill in gaps to restore chewing surfaces and a great smile.
  • Smile makeover options

    Cosmetic dentistry can fix many areas of concern. There are many options such as dental crowns & bridges, dental veneers, dental bonding and teeth whitening to restore your smile. Please ask us about what options will work best for you!
  • What can I expect at my dental visit?

    What can I expect at my dental visit? Each visit can vary in time due the amount of procedures being completed and the extent of the treatment. Cleanings generally take an hour to complete; time may be extended if a more extensive cleaning is required. Crown preparations can take 1-1 ½ hours for your visit. Bridge preparations can be completed in 1-1 ½ hours. Cavities are filled anywhere from 30 minutes or more, depending on the number of fillings being completed at your visit. Implants vary in time from 45 minutes to an hour, per implant being placed. Completed treatment is same day to months in duration. A dental assistant will be able to answer any questions you may have.
  • When should I bring my children in for their first visit?

    Children around the age of two should come in for a visit. This initial visit will check how teeth are erupting, and familiarize them with the dentist. The first visit will be as fun and relaxed as possible. Each child is unique and we gage our time with your child accordingly.

    It’s never too early to start brushing your children’s teeth. At this age just use a small smear or less than a grain of rice of fluoride toothpaste and try to make it fun for them. Watch Dr. Karl’s one year old daughter Lexi have fun brushing her teeth.

  • Wisdom teeth removal

    Typically wisdom teeth would ideally be extracted between the ages of 16-19. Some people benefit from keeping their wisdom teeth and will never need them extracted. Others need them extracted otherwise they could develop cavities, gum disease, and infection around them. Sometimes un-erupted wisdom teeth can develop benign pathologic cysts or cancerous tumors. An assessment from your doctor will be necessary to decide ideal timing, and if there is a need for removal or your wisdom teeth.

    Getting your wisdom teeth extracted is nothing to worry about. The procedure varies in time from 45 minutes to an hour. We use local anesthetic so you will be completely numb and comfortable. Conscious sedation is an option, please call us for details. Make sure that you eat before your procedure and bring a friend or family member to drive you home. Check out our “form page” for care instructions after your extractions!

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